Archiv für das Jahr: 2017

27 03, 2017

No time to address complex problems? Keine Zeit, um komplexe Probleme anzupacken?


German version below Solving complex problems within a short time is a special challenge. That not only holds true in politics but unfortunately also in daily business life. Procrastination, declining or deferring responsibility to others (often external consultants) is a common evil. Sounds familiar to you? Than you also know that these are, in most [...]

No time to address complex problems? Keine Zeit, um komplexe Probleme anzupacken?2017-03-27T16:16:58+02:00
21 01, 2017

Why should you develop strategies and teams at the same time?


High performance is demonstrated by how well you succeed in achieving an objective. Just as in sports: if the bar is set too high, it’s not worth even competing; if it’s set too low, you don’t stretch yourself to the limit and therefore continue developing. Ambitious but not overextended—that is the “golden rule”. And it [...]

Why should you develop strategies and teams at the same time?2021-02-10T11:50:55+01:00
18 01, 2017

What makes a good strategy?


A lot of fuzz is often created around strategy while in reality there are only three simple questions that need to be answered: Where do I want to be? Where am I today? How do I bridge the gap between “to be” and “as is”? That holds true for start-ups as well as for [...]

What makes a good strategy?2021-02-10T11:50:55+01:00