

Über illertguenther

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Bisher hat illertguenther, 15 Blog Beiträge geschrieben.
27 03, 2017

No time to address complex problems? Keine Zeit, um komplexe Probleme anzupacken?


German version below Solving complex problems within a short time is a special challenge. That not only holds true in politics but unfortunately also in daily business life. Procrastination, declining or deferring responsibility to others (often external consultants) is a common evil. Sounds familiar to you? Than you also know that these are, in most [...]

No time to address complex problems? Keine Zeit, um komplexe Probleme anzupacken?2017-03-27T16:16:58+02:00
21 01, 2017

Why should you develop strategies and teams at the same time?


High performance is demonstrated by how well you succeed in achieving an objective. Just as in sports: if the bar is set too high, it’s not worth even competing; if it’s set too low, you don’t stretch yourself to the limit and therefore continue developing. Ambitious but not overextended—that is the “golden rule”. And it [...]

Why should you develop strategies and teams at the same time?2021-02-10T11:50:55+01:00
18 01, 2017

What makes a good strategy?


A lot of fuzz is often created around strategy while in reality there are only three simple questions that need to be answered: Where do I want to be? Where am I today? How do I bridge the gap between “to be” and “as is”? That holds true for start-ups as well as for [...]

What makes a good strategy?2021-02-10T11:50:55+01:00
3 11, 2015

Navigating in times of digital uncertainty


Do you know that feeling: your brain and your heart tell you to move but you are too paralyzed to make a single step? To many executives in pharma and healthcare, digitalization causes similar feelings. eMails, posts in social media, conferences, newsletters cry for disruption and digital transformation. Agencies, vendors, start-ups as well as established [...]

Navigating in times of digital uncertainty2021-02-10T11:50:55+01:00
3 11, 2015

Diffusion of innovations in healthcare


Should I (my company, my business unit, my department, etc.) adopt a digital technology? Well, there is no easy answer to this question and it has many facets, which are as broad as the term digital technology itself. Rather than trying to define digital technology at this point (we will do this in further editions), [...]

Diffusion of innovations in healthcare2021-02-10T11:50:55+01:00